Common Patient Data Model
(CDM) Development

The Common Patient Data Model is a way of organizing patient-related data into a standard structure.

business challenges

One of the modern world challenge is that we have tons of unstructured medical data And each data-provider (insurance company, hospital, etc.) uses its own country-specific standards. So the client need was to standardize raw data allowing to perform various retrospective studies.

value delivered

Together with other OHDSI community members we are working on CDM development and improvement to allow it to cover as much as possible cases, making it easier to understand and analyze of data according to the customer's need. Thus, elaborated model dramatically reduced the cost and time associated with Observational Studies.


Our approach is similar to approaches of large research associations. We map data to the same consistent format, for instance, with the same variable name, attributes, and other metadata. We contribute to the development of general platform that enables much more rapid responses to research-related questions.

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Health IT Technologies

Data Analytics

Big Data Science

Data Warehouses

Relational Data Bases
SQL Server

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about us

Hi, we are Sciforce - a company where the integration of various branches of science builds up a powerful force to create robust software solutions. Working at the intersection of Computer Science with other technical, natural and humanitarian sciences let us go beyond traditional IT services and become both technical and scientific forces to our customers.